Get Ready for NSO 2022!

UPDATE: The conference has been rescheduled to June 7-10, 2022. See more information on the conference website.

Dear Nordic ecological community,

Registration for the Fifth Conference of the Nordic Society Oikos is open!

We hope you will join us from 17–20 January 2022 in Aarhus, Denmark, for a week of inspiring science conversations on the theme Ecology and Evolution for a Changing World


Register and learn about the conference here:


Don't forget to submit an abstract! We aim to enable as many participants as possible to present their research, either in the form of a poster or a talk. If you would like to give an oral presentation, you have the opportunity to assign your contribution to one of the following subthemes:

Adaptations and interactions in changing environments: This subtheme focuses broadly on both ecological and genetic studies of organisms’ responses to their environment. This encompasses studies ranging from the individual to ecosystem level and from molecular to bio-geographic organization.
Ecosystems through space and time - From local to global communities: This subtheme invites contributions addressing the dynamics of ecological systems at various spatial and temporal scales. How does variation in drivers affect biodiversity, community dynamics and ecosystem processes? How can we improve our understanding of ecological change by integrating different scales of observation? These questions and many more will find a discussion platform here.
Restoration and landscape prioritization: This subtheme focuses on the restoration of ecological systems in the broadest sense, from reporting on initiatives reinforcing single populations to projects where entire landscapes are reengineered. Also, evidence on the interaction between human users and restored areas, and data on the optimal economical use of landscapes for nature conservation is welcomed.
Methodical advances in Ecology & Evolution: This subtheme focuses on novel methods, tools, and technical aspects of ecology and evolutionary biology research.


Besides the participants’ contributions, and in connection to the conference themes, we have an exciting set of invited keynote speakers lined up. You can look forward to talks by Jacintha Ellers (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Gergana Daskalova (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom), Yvonne Buckley (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Tom Gilbert (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) and Kai Finster (Aarhus University, Denmark). 


We have dedicated the first day of the conference (Monday 17th of January) for workshops where you can learn useful practical skills and have the opportunity to interact with a different perspective on your research. We are currently putting together an exciting selection of workshops, which we will announce during the Autumn. You can help us with the planning by, already now, declaring your interest in participating in these pre-conference workshops during the registration process. 


Our hopes are of course optimistic, that we will be able to see the physical attendance from many of you, but we are attentive regarding shifting conditions that might challenge this. Therefore, we aim for a hybrid physical-virtual conference: Talks will be streamed live from Aarhus, and some speakers might be streaming from elsewhere.


We are keeping an eye on the COVID-19 situation. At the time of writing, governments across Europe are lifting pandemic restrictions. However, if conditions change, we may need to pivot the conference to being entirely virtual. In this case, we will naturally refund those who have registered for physical attendance (i.e., they will pay the standard virtual attendee price).


    PhD students: DKK 2500 for non-members (DKK 2000 for members of NSO)
    Post-PhD researchers: DKK 4500 for non-members (DKK 3500 for members of NSO)
    Virtual attendance: DKK 500 for non-members (DKK 300 for members of NSO)

    P.S. If you are not a member of NSO already, you can become one now.

    Best wishes,
    Oikos DK

    UPDATE: The conference has been rescheduled to June 7-10, 2022. See more information on the conference website.